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What are we giving to India?

What are we giving to India?

BY: Mufti Naveed Saif Hussami Advocate Teacher at ISLAMIC HUBB   Abu Abdullah Muhammad al-Idrisi al-Qurtubi is a famous twelfth-century geographer, cartographer, scientist and author. He was born in 1100 AD in the present-day Spanish city of Ceuta, he spent his early lifetime touring countries with

India before & after freedom

India before & after freedom

By: Mohammed kafeel Ahmed Director ISLAMIC HUBB   The British first arrived in India in 1608 under the name of the East India Company and gradually established their influence. During a span of about 150 years, they transformed their trading company into a form of

Evolution and Human

Evolution and Human

Written by: Mufti Mohammed kafeel Ahmed ( Director of ISLAMIC HUBB)   This universe has not always existed, no matter how many years it might have been, the world and the universe did not exist. Then, at some point, it came into existence and gradually,

Uniform Civil Code and Muslims

Uniform Civil Code and Muslims

By: Mufti Mohammed Kafeel Ahmed Director ISLAMIC HUBB Today, throughout India, there is a discussion being led by Muslim leaders to send their opinion to the Law Commission of India against the Uniform Civil Code. In simple words, the Uniform Civil Code means that if,

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